Sexual harassment of women is a major problem in India and everywhere. But unlike the west our society shies away from recognizing it for what it is- a crime nothing more and certainly nothing less?Blank- that which is not allowed meaning, form or articulation. Noise- that which heightens, builds itself. Eve Teasing as the name suggests,is considered a joke, a prank.Eve Teasing is street sexual harassment. The project seeks to recognize eve teasing as a sexual crime and establish the issue as something that may be normal, but is unacceptable.(these lines have been taken from the group's blog site)
Please go to the blog and try to support it
Women of all ages are sexually harrassed by perverts for only one reason- because they belive the women are weak and more importantly the fact that they can get away with it.
How many cases of harassment are reported in India? Though there are no figures are available I would say that the figure would be miniscule.
Because most times it is seen to be the ladies fault.
- She was out late.
- She was wearning inviting clothes.
- She was of a suspected character.
- etc etc
Damms us doesnt it.
But the world must change.
And its we who must herald the change.
Let there be no justification of a sexual crime.
How about more severe punishments for crime against women?
Let rape be a punishable by death with a minimum sentence of 12 years in case of a conviction.
Let eve-teasing have more severe penalties especially if it is repeated
I dont think this a radical or extreme solution.
This is rather workable.
You could disagree with me on the ways to achieve the targets but you would agree that harrassment of girls and women ought to end.
There ought to be no place in our society for any such acts.
And no, the clothes a girl is wearing or where and at what time she is , should never matter.
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