Sunday, September 21, 2008

The story starts

For a long time, I have aspired to do what I desire most-write a story. It appears I have finally found my story. It will take time and there appears to be a serious dearth of time right now but in my mind I can visualize the story already.


The only question is can I finish it? And will the tale be as grand as I imagine it to be.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

FW: Recession proof your job

We are all hearing bad news left and right. Satyam has axed 4,500 people ,HP has announced cuts of a whopping 26,000 people. So while we may not be affected today , what can we do to make us secure in the future too. Here is something that may help

This article is sourced from

Enjoy reading it.

Recession-proof your job

By C Mahalingam, TOI

All economies and industries go through the cycles of boom and depression. It tests the resilience and tenacity of corporations and individuals alike.

The following quote is attributed to Warren Buffet: "It is only when the tide runs out, we will know who has been swimming naked."

Naked or not, it does hurt every swimmer! The current slow-down is taking its toll in terms of job losses and gloomy scenes at engineering campuses.

Here are some suggestions for IT professionals, to help secure you to your seat during this turbulent weather.

Build your brand:

Building a brand is more than just being visible. Brands communicate certain attributes like trust, value, quality, owner's pride and the like. It would be worthwhile to stand before the mirror and take a test to figure out where we are in terms of these attributes.

Those who score high on all the attributes have a much better chance of their jobs being protected. Professionals can and must evolve into brands and become recognized for their contribution value and dependability.

Be active in social networking sites:

This will help understand where the business is headed and what the industry trends are. By networking with the right people and professionals, you will be able to make sense of the information overload. Find comfort from dealing with positive-minded people inside and outside.

Become an internal trainer:

During difficult times, training budgets are usually scissored to save money. However, smart organizations understand that the cost of not training is much higher than the cost of training. This dilemma is overcome often with identifying talented and competent internal trainers.

They can add tremendous value as they combine technical knowledge with the uniqueness of the organization and its requirements. By opting to be an internal trainer, you increase your value to the organization many-fold and secure your job a lot better!

Walk the extra mile to delight your customers:

The only job security any time (good or bad) is a delighted customer. There simply is no substitute for this. And smart employees know this all the time and go that extra mile every time to delight the customer. So, think smart and hard on finding ways to serve your customer even better.

Stay away from rumour mongers:

During difficult times, the rumour mill is very active. Rumour mills spread negative vibes and usually involve bad mouthing the organization. Being part of this rumour mill only increases the negative emotions and distances yourself from the decision makers.

Be seen in the right crowd and never bad mouth your organizations. Smart employees know the first ones to go during difficult times are those that bad mouth the organizations.

Learn niche skills:

Look around, talk to your managers and HR folks to understand the niche skills that your company is scouting around for. Difficult times also need people who can win new customers and help businesses to stay afloat. Acquiring such niche skills can help you become valuable and many times even critical for business survival. Invest in personal development.

Become a bit of a business scout:

Many of us working closely with clients know what makes our clients lose their sleep and how we can help them get better. It makes your job that much more secure if you contribute to building the business, no matter how small it is. Successful companies have always grown by farming the existing businesses and all of us can play a role in looking for such opportunities.

Build bridges with key people in the organization:

It pays to be in the right company. This is more than making 'fair weather friends'. It means working actively with your managers to keep client delight high at all times, helping colleagues to tide over their problems and helping business excellence teams with process improvements. Organizations tend to care more for such value creating employees even during difficult times.

(The writer is the chief people officer at Symphony Services Corporation)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Old Story New Moral

A popular motivational speaker was entertaining his audience.
Said he: "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!"

The audience was in silence and shock.
The speaker added: "And that woman was my mother!"
Laughter and applause.

A week later, a top manager trained by the motivational speaker tried to crack this very effective joke at home. He was a bit foggy and out of control after a drink.

He said loudly, "The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!"
The wife went wan with shock and rage.
Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the manager finally blurted out "... and I can't remember who she was !"

Moral of the story: Don't copy if you can't paste.!


Monday, September 1, 2008

The Update

The Update:


Well I have been unable to blog for long but I am starting again. So what has happened in the time I was away. I finished my engineering degree spent a wonderdul month at home where I was bereft of the net and then on 28th July I joined a company as a trainee software engineer.


I am not sure if I want to discuss the company much. It has 5 billion dollars of revenue, trains us well and has recently decided to acquire Axon. Oh I gave you a hint. Google it. Anyway I am now in a city called Mysore. Its in the state of Karnataka. Here this company has its training campus. I have been allotted Java stream so once I attain the required level of competencies, I will be be talking object oriented gibberish with byetcode and JVM discussed her and there.


The training campus is fully residential but most sites are blocked on the companies net. So I am now blogging through e-mail.


Lets see how it goes. Will give you more details later.


By the way Happy Ramadan.



"I won't cry for my solitude, lay my head and dream of you
And hope that you'll come knocking on my door"

from"Maybe Tomorrow is a Better day" by Poets of the fall.


This is the song that comes to my mind, quite frequently. Its a lonely time out here at Infosys training. Everyone is so busy. There are crowds of lonely people. You just need to speak to people to feel that tinge of loneliness and desperation.

There is that tone of regret, the longing of another place. Like my room-mate, who was one of the only two to come from his college. The other person was a gal. They had a decent time in the campus initially. During training sadly people dont mix much. You come with your college mates and you stick with them. But two is company itself. In the isolation the two became great friends, roaming around the whole campus and city together. A fairy tale that should have lasted forever but one that was not to be. About seven weeks into training, the girl was diagnosed with a 9 cm tumor in the stomach. After surgery she has left for her home-town.

Now my roommate is alone. While he doesn't say it, his voice says it all as to how special the girl was for him. He seldom leaves the room after office hours. In fact he doesn't even eat in the food-courts because as he says he just doesn't have company. Yesterday when we went too food-court for dinner he confessed he had not been to an FC for quite some days. I am not sure what he is surviving on but its probabably chips etc.

And this is the tragedy, its just too lonely a world. Even though I emphathize with him, I am just too busy to try anything much. Probably some invitation to dinner nothing much. Because we all have to ourselves haul us out of the rut.

'Loneliness haunts' is the status message of another friend of mine.  We all suffer from it. But as the song says, we choose how to handle it. I am stubborn. "I won't cry for my solitude, lay my head and dream of you. And hope that you'll come knocking on my door". Thats my way.