Sunday, December 7, 2008

Solitude or loneliness??

So I have been feeling very low recently? It appears all the joy has gone out of my life? I think its the weather but the fact that I have put between 12-15 hours daily at work for the last four weeks also contributes to this. Quality of life a theme that I clamour for and also the reason that I swapped from Bangalore( great city but long commuting hours ) to Mysore (idyllic and sleepy city but it takes me five minutes to get to work) has gone into the trash.

To that extent I am genuinely tired. Also I feel loneliness. Normally I enjoy such phases walking head stoically but I have started to crib a lot about the hours.

Can we genuinely work 14 hours and not suffer a burnout down the line. Or even survive to face the next appraisal. Thats the question?

Anyway I normally see solitude and loneliness as different faces of the same coin.

However this quote by Thoreau published in 1859 in a series of essays made me see differently. He says in solitude a person exists with his inner self and there exists the chance for a dialogue and he is not really alone. However loneliness is the desertion of that inner self too and then it becomes genuinely lonely for the individual is alone?

Anyway enjoying a Sunday. Had to work the last four Saturdays too , so Sunday suddenly seems so fleeting and temporal.

Hoping that these insane schedules end soon.

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