Monday, September 25, 2006

Aakriti 06-07

Aakriti 2006-07 is up and the results are in...................................... It appears E&Tc have won defeating I.T. who did make a valiant effort.

Comp (my branch) came a scandalous fourth.

Guess Aakriti has come and gone for another year as usual. For comp it will be another year another time now. Lets hope its next,or else I would have the ignominous honour of being a batch who passed their engineering without seeing the aakriti trophy in our hands.

Moving on Comp seriously was never in the race. We were far too divided a class and a branch to do anything constructive. We did not loose because others were strong but rather because we were too weak. I could actually rant a lot more but I will be civilized enough not too.

But the biggest truth of life is that Aakriti never really matters. All forget. So a wait for another year is on the cards.

Another year,another time


Anonymous said...

Ya it feels bad to loose so badly
But the most important thing is that you participated....
so never mind...

Life life with full zeal...
n move on....


Ashraf's Pen said...

yup I agree participating is imp.

But winning does feel good a lot of the times

Anyway thnx Uzma

Anonymous said...


Ashraf's Pen said...

Dont get u sujit

COuld u be a little generous with words