Sunday, February 15, 2009

Battlestar Gallactica-Review

When I was in my final year of engineer a classmates brother who was also on my friend list had a status message that read like "Battlestar Gallactica rocks". It kind of stayed with me, and so about a month back when I decided to download a new series the choice was a bit easy.

I did a bit of research and found Battlestar Gallactica has won a lot of awards. So I started watching the series with a lot of expectations. However the first lot of episodes soundly disappointed me and I wondered if I should download more. However I decided to persevere and it paid off.

It became interesting and I was hooked. Battlestar Gallactica is a science fiction series about a scenario where human population living on a planet system of twelve colonies(planets) including Caprica get attacked and nearly annhilated by cylons. Cylons were machines that humans had created who when they had rebelled had been banished to another planetary system. In 40 years the robots designed better models who perfectly even in physiology resembled humans.

A single battleship and some civilian transport escaped and made a run for it. However they kept getting pursued by cylons. Also cylons had sleeper agents within the humans.

On this canvas the story unfolds. The beauty about battlestar gallactica is its a sort of deep introspection into human behaviour. Humans and cylons becomes us versus them. It shows the cruelty of those who praise piety because its the 'other.'

The science fiction stuff and special effects are not that great. Indeed effort on such things is minimal. So much of the things used and habits are identical to present day. I would say in a 100 years humanity wont recognize itself much less a 1000. It seems as if authors dont want to distract us from the deeper stuff.

BSG is a great series to watch because it makes us think. I would say download the torrents and watch it.

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