Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Senseless Murder!!!!!

""You must believe in free will; there is no choice. ""

A hundred murders may be a statistic but each and every one is an individual tragedy.

Aqsa Parvez ,a sixteen year old Canadian Muslim girl was reportedly strangled by her father reportedly because of her insistence against not wearing the hijab.

Another honour killing added to the count.

A photograph of her which I have uploaded to the right shows her smiling a pose. Now the smile is gone and the heart no longer beats. A TRAGEDY. SO YOUNG.

The present incident has nothing and everything to do with Islam.

Islam itself has nothing to do with honour killings.

The fact is there is no "honour in murder".



But in many muslim cultures especially from the middle east tend to believe otherwise. Father's , brother's ,husband's and brother-in-laws seem to think that murder shall bring back a lost honour. And they justify it. Why is it that the concept of honour is linked to women only?

If the girl wanted to give up the hijab, she should be allowed. The girl should have had that choice which was so cruelly denied.

If she did not believe in something, it was her own imaan. God will judge us all. QURAN FORBIDS US FROM JUDGING OTHERS

The father had no right to do what he did.

Hope he is punished in this world and the next for his crime.

I take solace in the sublime. May Allah grant peace to her soul.

Let us vow to remember Aqsa and swear to always say "there is no honour in honour killing"


Anonymous said...

Thank you for blogging about this, Ashraf.

"Honor" killings are believed to have their origins in misinterpretations of pre-Islamic Arab tribal codes. They pre-date Islam by centuries and are, in fact, un-Islamic.

It is the case, however, that the overwhelming majority of the U.N.-estimated 5,000 "honor" killings globally per annum occur in Arab/Muslim countries and in Arab/Muslim immigrant communities elsewhere. So there is an empirically-based correlation, but it has more to do with culture than with faith.

The reason more women than men pay the price for these crimes is because, in some cultures, it is believed a family's honor resides in its girls and its women. So, they are held to greater account for any actual or perceived affronts to family honor. (I'm not saying I agree with this way of thinking, but that is the underlying line of thought.)

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

Ashraf's Pen said...


Thanks for the comment.

I think we both agree that honour killings are more about culture than religion.

My question about why is honour not linked to men was more of a mocking question question. It is a sad culture that can condone a woman being killed for as trivial a thing such as holding hands with an unrelated male but will not blink an eye to the guy sleeping around a bit. That will be the guys growing up phase.

Today is not 7th century Arabia. Women deserve better choice. And society has to give it.

Until that happens , whenever an honour killing happens we should feel our share of shame.

Anonymous said...

this is just shocking, it happened in Canada that too! goes to show the mind of a man/woman is nothing to do where he lives whether in a village or a metropolitan