Friday, May 29, 2009


Lonely mornings, a cup of tea,
I think of the world as it whizzes by.

Away from home have I have wandered,
Searching for things I saw far away,
Mirages, illusions and hallucinations it seems,
Far away from home indeed.

And now as I sit about and wonder,
About all my wanderings,
I ask if we have a choice,
A choice to stay rooted.

To the wanderer's I ask?,
Why do we wander so much,
Was it worth it all?


heenad said...

i think a wanderer will always prefer the nomadic life. i think its the human nature in a wanderer that wants to know if the grass is greener on the other side.

by the way what are the can't wait decisions. please do blog more often i need some reading material which is different from my studying material.

Ashraf's Pen said...

Yes but does the wanderer ever stop and question. Because wandering is tiresome.

the cant wait decisions is in my latest post. :)