Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama or McCain

So the US election date is finally here. All the drama over the past year finally boils down to this day.


Poor Hillary would probably be ruminating over a day that should and could have been hers, had not a gentleman with a strange surname name of Obama and Hussein as a middle name stolen the show. I guess she needs a big glass of brandy to get over the day.  We can very well write off her aspirations to be a president as eight years from now (if Obama is elected), she would be way too old.


But Obama deserves all the credit. If he was white he could have been mediocre but with the background he comes from, he had to be and has been brilliant to even be inn contention. Everyone waited for his campaign to implode but it never did. His campaign is classic example of a smoothly run machine with little visible internal bickering.


Mc Cain on the other hand became a maverick who ceased to amuse. At 72 years old it is very likely he might not survive the next four years. His VP candidate was Sarah Palin, a gun tooting, moose shooting mannequin good only for posters. Imagine someone who claims that she has a special perspective on Russian affairs because she can see it from her home. Someone who did not even have a passport till last year! Sarah Palin probably became McCain’s nemesis. If Obama was not qualified, then Sarah Palin does not even deserve to be in contention.


So we have the two candidates- John McCain and Barrack Obama. Who would I vote for if I could. Hmmm as an individual I would any day choose Obama but there is a caveat. I am unsure about his economic ideas especially the line about taxing companies who outsource jobs. Frankly it makes me nervous.


It’s not because perhaps I am in the IT industry but more because I believe in the other side of the argument. Outsourcing is saving big bucks for the involved companies. And this money helps the companies grow by giving them that extra bit of capital to expand. McCain is more firm on the economic front. On the other hand I really believe Obama will understand the advantages and not really try to curb out sourcing. Surely don’t give tax-cuts to those who outsource but don’t penalize enough to make the benefits disappear.


So, I hope it is Obama 08-12. J


Moving on I have to mention that some time back I read Barack Obama’s “Dreams of my Father”. It’s a lovely delicate book chronicling the years of a mixed race kid and the story of his ancestors. I would recommend it as a read. AN interesting idea in the book is that maybe poverty is not the lack of things but an idea in itself that afflicts people telling them that they are poor. Imagine an area where the first white men reached only 130 years better.


So if Obama is president we could have an intellectual as a president of the USA. His book betrays a powerful intellect and maybe the world will change. If nothing more there could be more understanding between nations, races and religions.


I think I have used too wide a brush to paint tomorrow.


Maybe all the polls are wrong. It just might be McCain.


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